This day in age, social media controls our lives. And if you were born after about 1990, social media controls your every move. Us millennials are constantly thinking about our snapchat stories, how many instagram likes we have, and what our friends are hashtagging on twitter; moments of complete silence and clarity are hard to come by without a cell phone interrupting the moment. We miss the best parts of the sunset because we were too busy choosing the best filter to put on it before posting.
Also I added some Pinterest inspiration for you :)

Think about what that shit
does to you. I mean, I find myself sitting on the couch while Zach is trying to, oh I don't know, have a MEANINGFUL conversation with me but I'm too engrossed in clicking through someone's 100 second snap story from that party I wasn't invited to last night. Or I sit at the dinner table and miss romantic moments of us time because I'm posting a selfie..

This social media obsession does 2 awful things to us: we lose precious moments of our lives that we will never EVER get back, and we care so much about what others are doing and letting THEM know what WE are doing that we get this strange complex about posting EVERYTHING we're doing. And if we miss a perfectly gram-able picture, it literally ruins our day. We are self-obsessed, while also being completely engulfed in what other people are doing, making sure we are having a better time than them. "Oh gosh, Whitney just posted a photo of her at a 4th of July BBQ, I should probably post a snapchat story of us at Billy's party hammered so she knows we are having fun too, AND getting drunk..WOOOOO!" I honestly think that's how some people's minds operate..

Let me be the one to tell you, I made a personal SWEEPING DECLARATION (How I Met Your Mother reference there for the other nerds) not too long ago. I decided I would simply shut my brain off to those tendencies that have been conditioned into my mind since I got my first MySpace account. I just need to quit caring so damn much about what everyone else is doing because it's only making me feel even worse about my own life. "Oh shit, Kelley got a new job at a law office, I work as a life f*ckin sucks.." NO GIRLFRIEND, your life does NOT suck, you're just at a different point in your life, and THAT IS OKAY. No wonder people like Kim Kardashian are as famous as they are, her life is f*cking great. She blasts her life all over social media, and we 20-somethings EAT IT UP cause we want that life too. WE JUST WANT TO BE FABULOUS LIKE KIMMYYYYYYY. And we CAN be fabulous, we just have to do it in our own way because that's the ONLY way we will be happy with our lives, and comfortable in the skin we're in. NO WONDER WE HAVE BODY COMPLEXES, we just want to be like the sexy chicks on the Triangl bikinis instagram. Girls, it's about time we cut it out, and come to terms with what our own lives are before we try to replicate someone else's. And let's discover who we are as people, before we feel bad about who we are because stupid Whitney is getting hammed at Billy's party and we weren't invited. You cannot be anyone but yourself, and this obsession we have with other people's lives and seeing what everyone you went to high school with is up to at every given moment is not helping anyone discover their inner selves. Quitting with this crazy need to post everything at all seconds of the day has made me a happier person and has helped me on this road to discovering myself.

Alright crazy rant is over.
I'm just trying to make a point here. The constant communication we have with the world really is a great and powerful thing. We can check traffic and weather updates at the touch of a bottom and stay connected with a dear friend who moved away through a screen. That is pretty cool. But life is about balance, and overexposing yourself to one
anything can start doing more bad than good. A lot of us wouldn't be where we are without social media and this digital age we are in, but keep a healthy balance. And it's alright if you'd rather stay in on a Friday night reading Fifty Shades of Gray instead of getting boozey at a club. And it's also totally cool if you spend your weekends partying cause you're a social butterfly. We are all different, living different lives and THAT IS OKAY.
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